Continue The Saga

Friday, March 1, 2013

Squidoo Stirs The Waters

Well, it seems there is drama afoot at Squidoo, and the tentacles reach into the reefs of some of the lensmasters. Is this some obscure goobledegook? No, but it is about "spun content".

The thing is that Squidoo is putting teeth into their call to action for quality content, this time by locking down transfer and selling of lenses. I have never attempted to use those features, so I cannot comment on its impact, but I can say that something has to be done about the way spammers and empty-headed spun websites have taken over.

So I'm in favor of the changes.

I am also unaware of the longterm impacts, but if it is like any of the other restrictions on freedom that we can see in society at large, then it is too bad, but a necessary outcome of the lack of self regulation.

I do remember getting some of my lenses snagged when there was software that flagged duplicate content. It was super strict on things like quotations.  That did cause me some stress and consternation, but on the upside of instituting better methods of citation, etc. I think I have become a more responsible writer than I was before they took action. Even if we can cite or post images without attribution required, it does seem as though we have been educated in better online  etiquette. And that is a good thing.

My, What A Big Eye I Have

My eye(s) opened wide when I read about Squid angels selling likes, blessings, etc.  I mean I might have guessed that where power resides, there is room for abuse, but it seemed so silly and sad.

I love the Squid angel system because it allows different people's tastes and perspectives to help rate lenses. It makes for a better sampling of popular taste on what makes a great lens. It also serves as an encouragement for potentially great lenses. Not everything I "bless" with a Squid angel blessing is top notch, but it is good going on great

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I'm one of those Angel people. I guess I have a say in all this for that reason. If you are entrusted with the ability to raise ranking and promote lenses, a certain level of pride and integrity goes with that.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of all this?


Well, it is time for me to write about some of my lenses that dropped into WIP status again. They are red, but they have plenty of original opinion and content. At least one also has some quotations sprinkled through it. {sigh}

I do have some issues with overly strict interpretations on using images and quotations. I use Pinterest quite a bit, and in certain instances things are in the public domain, and taking a proprietary attitude towards those things just makes our communication and culture poorer for it.

Like Bible verses. How is using the Bible as quoted wisdom or a reference on a topic making it "duplicate content"? And what if someone cannot possibly know and understand the biographical information about a famous person without quotations or photos? We can't all draw an "original" picture of the person. ( Well, I could, if hard pressed, but I would probably just drop the inclination to pursue taking the time for writing such a piece)

There are other examples, too ...which come under "curating" categories, which people often simply do not understand. I personally think it is because they don't bother to do much reading or learning about things other than their small circle of interest. If you have an insatiable appetite to learn you know that gathering information from many sources is important to gaining an in depth understanding.

/really the end of that rant

Example of a published, but 'dropped into the red' lens. I guess I should go to work and add to or update Top Internet Bellydance Sites

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