Every month I publish more lenses and every month I am seeing an increase in income. A far cry from just a few cents a month, but not close to a triple digit, yet, either. October and November plateaued each other, so it remains to be seen how the growth will progress, but it is progressing!
For mid-January these are my top 5 lenses:
This was the first time the Best Wedding Flowers For Each Month lens had risen to that high on my list. I do notice a lot of activity around the topic of weddings, lately.
That is the rationale behind Tussie Mussies garnering more interest, too.
Now... shall we have a look at the bottom 5?
From the bottom up those are the lowest ranking on the Squidoo totem pole, as far as my published lenses re concerned.
I have been taking quests and leveled up recently. And yes, I do care about that, competitive soul that I am.
Well, that's it for now. Still love Squidooing :)