Continue The Saga

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Working Like a Crazy Woman

Yes, I have been making and publishing lenses like a house afire. I worked hard this week and today I worked ALL DAY and into this evening in order to get some of the new lenses I had started to the publishing stage. It takes about 20 hours of work to get a lens finished. That is a conservative estimate. I work hard to try to produce something with plenty of content and research. sometimes, it is the search for copy right available graphics that take up so much time. I use the creative license photos from flickr quite a bit.

Well... what has been published you ask?

This represented a terrific amount of work, since most of them were not worked on earlier. Sometimes I take my time adding in content and working on a lens, but these four were worked on pretty much top to finish. Except the Garden Teapot lens, which I think I had briefly worked on soon after I brainstormed the name.

I still have 40 WIP to finish. One is a Christmas lens that dropped into nether land. Too many ideas and not enough time! In th emeantime I have also finished a number of Quests, so it has been a busy couple weeks at Squidoo for me.