Continue The Saga

Monday, November 25, 2013

Changes At Squidoo

I haven't written here very much because there were so many huge changes at squidoo and I wasn't sure where they were going. I stopped writing lenses for awhile and was very unsure of the new formats.

However, I found I love the new formats for writing, although they make no earnings for me.

Here are the biggest changes:
  • Lenses now are geared towards personal stories, anecdote, shorter and much more original.
  • Amazon links are limited
  • Shorter, more succinct writing.
  • All original content, including photos is desirable. Made new just for Squidoo is not mandatory, but certainly what best fulfills the new ideals.
  • Focused through the new formats, one single focused topic centering around one personally used product is the new lens norm.
  • Quest that guide topics has stepped up considerably. (Although it is the quantity, not the presence of these quests that has changed)
  • No more Squid Angels. Squidoo retired the program of peer review and points and ranking boosts from the Angel squad. I missed it briefly and then was over it.
These are the most noticeable changes, and while the rate of change towards the new goals has slowed, it will continue to be more evident. The filters shook up the community mid-year, but now the guides on publishing, the new formats, and the quests all work towards changing the face of the content at Squidoo.

My Newest Lenses

All are done in the new format.

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