Centenarian Lenses?
I now have made 100 lenses that are fully finished, published, and featured on Squidoo. That represents a lot of work and time, but I am getting a small, but steady income from a few of them.
Still, not even close to even my regular blogs, which I have not attended to (only so much time). I've thought about how that is a losing proposition, but then, always have valued learning above income. There is a big reason right there why I am a hobbyest rather than a pro.
100th Squidoo Lens
Like regular blogging, it is hard work to provide steady flow of writing, mastering the type of community participation that a media requires, and knowing what to write... researching for the writing if you are short on knowledge.
Although learning about how to write, and researching topics is probably the big draw for me in "Why I Squidoo".
I think mastering how to present products to sell is hardest for me. I don't like a hard sell, and often feel weird about including products, etc. I like to review, although hardly ever do, and don't do it on demand- ever. Yet.... I personally love the areas of magazines which tell me where I can buy the products they feature. That is why I keep trying to master the method, I guess.
It is now time for me to write all my Advent devotionals for my Advent blog. I was determined to get them written early, but so much family and other obligations kept me from fulfilling that. That, and the fact that I really have to carve out time to consider, design, and write these. They aren't done quickly or lightly, and I have to focus in order to make them. Also, this year it was slower than usual to come up with the theme I wanted to work on, and it still isn't as clarified as I'd like. But need to publish starting this Sunday! Must get cracking today:)