Continue The Saga

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Two New Additions To The Garden

The garden of Squidoo, that is. I finished two of the garden topic lenses that I had begun, and they are now waiting to appear above the red horizon.  Both are lenses that will grow over the coming year because their range is quite wide.

Ornamental Garden Trees begins by covering crabapples, Northern magnolias, and flowering cherries. There is more to add about Japanese maples, redbud, and fringe trees. At least that is the next phase planned for this lens.

Landscape 101 is a lens that I perceived was needed on the Squidoo board of lenses. It is a general topic, but one that can be honed into helping a homeowner plan their home landscape. This one I think will find the next phase is adding the most helpful of other lensmasters lenses, through the featured lens module, to the base of my content .

Enjoy the new lenses!
Grow Fragrant Lavender saw a little pop of interest due to the National Fragrance Day Quest...Thanks Squidoo HQ :)