Continue The Saga

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Latest Lenses, Updated Lenses

It is all about improvement

Working through the stubs of new lenses I finished and published Ilona's Garden Shed which is a lens highlighting my Cafepress store. The idea came from the posts that others had made on utilizing Squidoo to work with Zazzle and Cafepress. It has spurred me to develop my understanding of Cafepress and to try and get the store going like the Zazzle store has this year. I hope to improve my, and the readers, grasp of how to use Cafepress to make some income.

Landscaping 101 is a new lens under the gardening topic. Home improvement should include a basic knowledge of how to care for your landscape... so this lens is a starter for that pursuit. Color in Your Garden is another general garden topic, newly published. It concentrates on the use of foliage along with flowers for garden color.

I have been trying to improve older lenses and those improvements have lead to raising some nominal lenses from the red zone. Squidoo has new filters working to weed out duplicate content, so more attribution links are needed to identify quotes, etc. They are overly strict in some respects, but the way to avoid being unpublished is to link to another source of the information. I put source links in the Women's Gift Suggestions and it improved ranking  right away.

Some content has been edited for clarity and in the case of 'About Ilona's Garden' Lens I removed some peripheral content to create a new lens that I hope to publish soon.


I have leveled up to 65 and won a new trophy for 500 SquidAngel blessings given out.  When I went to Atlanta, my momentum was thrown off and I am behind in recording blessings given me. Maybe I can play catchup later this summer? These are the big news events at my Squidoo diversions for now.