My Newest Topics
One hint:True, I haven't been as active making lenses as last year, but it was always in the plan to resume building my own sites and writing articles for Ilona's Garden and the Garden Journal. I still am behind in posting to the garden blog, but it is better than before I slowed up on Squidoo at the start of the year.
But I am not completely dormant. I created some new lenses and the latest ones that have been published are:
I haven't had the time to resume making lenses for quests, although those are great ideas. It simply felt a little overwhelming and I took a break.
Sales in Zazzle:
Joy Morning Glory Tee Shirt by HigherLife
See more Joy T-Shirts
Vintage Butterfly Collection Business Card by ilonagarden
Order business cards from Zazzle.
Joy Morning Glory Tee Shirt by HigherLife
See more Joy T-Shirts
Vintage Butterfly Collection Business Card by ilonagarden
Order business cards from Zazzle.
Many are still struggling with the filters that Squidoo has installed to weed out the poor quality lenses. After working very hard for a couple of weeks, I cleared through all of mine and have not had any additional flags so far. I filled in content (wrote more) inside some lenses, deleted extra "selling" modules ( although not too many). I updated titles and made sure my photos were cited. I worked on anything that I found that was not current ( Amazon products that were 404), and most of all deleted or changed too many keywords that were repetitive.
Those are the main faults I was finding in my own lenses. Now I spend more time updating and improving the ones that I have already created, and the new lenses are to make more of a niche with previous topics of mine.
I wouldn't claim this to be the best policy, but it works for me. Unfortunately, I become attached to my writing, good or bad. I tend to treat articles like children that I cannot bear to let go of... and to delete a lens is too hard to do. I allow the hoarding tendency full rein in the writing arena. All three of my new lenses are branches of previous ones.
The money on Squidoo has reduced due to their google woes. I make less now than back in the end of 2012 because the payout is less, even though my lenses rank higher and some are continually making Amazon income. This is the rule rather than the exception in online income, in my own experience. The going advice, which I'm taking for myself, is to branch out. I've seen some uptick in Zazzle sales, and improved the Google adsense by reducing the sites I posted ads on and improving keyword targeting ( I use a wp plugin to help me with that).
That is my Squidoo news for now. Toodles!
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