Continue The Saga

Friday, May 24, 2013


The trouble with making articles (or entire websites!) specifically for certain seasons is that they then have an off season. The times when nobody cares very much about the information offered, or the colors and decor are not the right feeling for the weather and the mood.

That can happen for a variety of reasons, but lately I have some Squidoo lenses that have dropped into the nether parts of the list and while I can't be positive, it is probably because they are seasonal in nature.

My Christmas website is an example of this in spades, while even the Garden website struggles during the spaces in the growing season, as well as in the dead of winter when interest levels are seasonally low.

The worst performing published lens, at this time is Ohio Autumn. It may have been dinged by someone, even! That suspicion derives from its quick drop which is not responsive to efforts to change the status, while the ranking is actually above the usual WIP range.
But this has simply given inspiration to list the seasonal lenses- make lemonade from the lemon crop.



Of course, all the many Christmas lenses tend to drift lower over the beginning of the year, but some have a greater struggle than others.

Coming up soon will be the remaining season's lenses.

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