Continue The Saga

Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Lenses

There were a few additions to the Middle East set of lenses:
Bellydance Goes To The Movies
Middle Eastern Clip Art
Moroccan Oasis Bedroom

And then, even though I should try to stay focused in order to finish the "quests", I was sidetracked into beginning a few new topics, which will be published soon. Continually updating the rest of the lenses, I'm not sure whether to keep trying to do that on the scale I have attempted, but these are some with tweaking:

My Personal Squid Journey -included more on purple stars and giant squids.
Butterfly Paradise was changed around.
Helen Mirren's Style had a few tweaks, as well.

If you want to know who is on the bottom of the barrel, unfortunately it is one of my Belly dance lenses.

I appreciate the support of the Squidoo community although it has slowed down a bit. People might not realize that "liking" is an important service to their fellow Squids. I try to like and comment as much as I can to encourage others to keep up the effort to write and improve, just as I like others to do for me. Well- that is the scoop.