Continue The Saga

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I've been obsessively busy on Squidoo. Besides the Giant Quest I finished the Monstrosity Quest and started the Squidhaunting Quest. Not sure if I am up to the recipe one....

I also finished and published some lens ideas I had recently. One time sensitive one was "Sweetest Day". The Sweetest Day holiday is little known,except for regionally... and pretty obscure even here. If you want to know more about the Sweet Day Holiday, be sure to take a look at the lens.
Sweetest Day

Have you been following my Giant Quest collection of bellydance related lenses? Lenses that I hope are tightly enough related.
Belly Dance is associated with the Near East and Northern Africa, so I branched off in that direction.

The Newest Lens in the Collection:

Moroccan Tea Glasses
Moroccan tea glasses are pretty little glasses that Moroccans use to serve their special mint tea. I included the recipe for mint tea and a video on the precise way to prepare and serve it- it is an art in Morocco.

The other newer lenses revolve around Morocco style decoration.
Moroccan Style Bathroom and Moroccan Style Bedroom

Neither lens is very well known, yet, but I tried to fill them with the design elements of romantic Marrakech.

I worked on updating and created a new beauty lens, too.... I'll have a post dedicated to that project ( yes, it developed into a budding collection). And will need to tell you about those Halloween lenses. Well, I guess my next post is plotted out for me! If you want to check out stuff before I get around to recording things here, My Squidoo Lensmaster Page is the place to visit.